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Daddy & Gibby
Gibby's Surgery - Gibby has had a slow growing mass on his left front leg for several years. The Vet said that it was not life threatening and could be removed at a later time with no negative impact on Gibby. We got a second opinion and it was agreed that it was safe to wait. The estimates for the operation were quite high, and as such we decided to postpone, given that Gibby showed no signs of discomfort. However recently it appeared to increase noticeably in size, and we knew it was time to have it removed. We're thrilled to report that he came through the surgery with flying colors, and now we see that he feels much better about himself. Although he had to wear a pressure bandage for two weeks, he was a very good boy and never chewed on it at all. He seemed to know it was there to help him. Then on March 22nd, we were able to remove the bandage, at which time, it was essentially healed. Gibby was brave and cooperative throughout. He's truly an excellent dog, which we tell him every day. We have included before and after photos, and the Vet bill. If you have a desire to help, please click the link provided above to donate, which would be greatly appreciated. We'll keep you updated.

Invoice Total $1,605.91 - thank you for donations thus far $554.48 - $1,051.43 to reach goal